Belonging to a peer group will definitely change your career. But if it’s a group like FIM, it’ll probably end up changing your entire life. 

Peer groups can be a powerful way to connect with people who share similar personal or professional interests. They can offer a sense of community, support, and encouragement, as well as accountability and motivation.

In this post, we’ll show the benefits of belonging to a peer group and how you can gain better traction personally and professionally.

Support and Encouragement

Perhaps the most significant benefit of being a member of a peer group is the support it provides. Whether you’re a member of a professional organization or a group just for letting your hair down and having fun, peer groups are a safe space for anyone to share their experiences, ideas, and struggles.

Being a member of a professional group like FIM, you’ll experience firsthand how support and encouragement can benefit you. Kristie said in a recent interview

“Sometimes we talk about Integrator island where I’m the only one in my company that does what I do. I’m the only one that has the concerns I do. I’m the only one that has the thoughts I do. I’m isolated in my job, but to have a community of women who empower me by saying, “You’re not alone. Let me tell you what I did in this situation. Here’s what worked for me.” Now I am off my own isolated island with a community that gets it.”

FIM members aren’t alone in their struggles. We share our challenges and receive encouragement and advice from others who may have gone through similar experiences. Supporting and elevating others is the backbone of who we are as an organization. It’s what brings us together and keeps us bound to each other. 

Accountability and Motivation

Being part of a peer group means being accountable to others as well as ourselves. Those in the group help us stay on track towards achieving our goals and provide guidance, feedback, and support when the road gets rocky.

At FIM Summit this year, everyone was asked to write a commitment on a piece of paper, seal it in an envelope, and address it to themselves. FIM sent the letters out several months later and we were able to see if we were still on track with the thing we committed to. It was a simple act but it shows that a small amount of effort goes a long way.

Holding people accountable isn’t a negative thing. When done correctly it should motivate and empower the recipient to push forward even if they’ve gone a bit off track. Going the distance alone is difficult so being a part of a peer group should provide ongoing motivation and support towards achieving your goals.

Networking and Collaboration

Networking and collaboration are essential in today’s business world, especially for women. We have all the respect in the world for our male counterparts, but female leaders need something more. 

FIM is unique in that we provide opportunities for our female Integrators to network and collaborate with other female Integrators. FIM is a community that was built by Integrators, for Integrators so we understand exactly what we’re dealing with. And being a part of a group where you can collaborate with other female leaders who are authentic and vulnerable is exactly what female leaders need to be unstoppable.

Throughout the year, FIM members also attend summits and workshops, where like-minded Integrators from across all industries build professional relationships. Oftentimes, acquaintances made at these gatherings develop into deep and lasting friendships. 

Diversity and Perspective

Diversity in a peer group can be a valuable asset. Being part of a group that joins individuals of different backgrounds, cultures, and industries can offer different perspectives to everyday issues. Working with a diverse group can provide fresh ideas that can help challenge assumptions, broaden horizons, and catapult personal growth.

No two businesses are identical but ironically, similar issues can be found throughout every one. When tackling stubborn issues, addressing them from different perspectives can expedite resolutions. Innovative solutions and approaches to problems are best solved when approached from different perspectives, and that’s when having outside help comes in handy.

FIM members come from 3 different different continents and each Integrator brings with her years of specialized experience. It doesn’t matter from where and from what industry they may come, each Integrator is unique and will benefit those they interact with both personally and professionally. 

Wrap it up

Belonging to a peer group can offer a wide range of benefits but the most important perhaps is one of support and belonging. As leaders, we often feel alone in our jobs, but it doesn’t need to be this way. 

Find a group of people who support and challenge you. And if you find a group who can give you the things we discussed in this post, you’ll only be better for it!
If you’re looking for a fresh peer group, check out FIM. We’re passionate about our community and ecstatic to get you to the next level. Click here to see if FIM is a good fit for you!