If you think New Year’s resolutions are stupid, you’re not alone. Millions of people think waiting for a new year to make life changes is super lame. (Except for gym owners. They love them!) 

But here we are, at the beginning of 2024 and regardless of what you think, it’s the perfect time to shake off the old and get a fresh start. 

Check out our quick list of 5 New Year’s Resolutions for Integrators. And whether you like it or not, adopting these 5 goals into your year will undoubtedly give you the traction and momentum you’re looking for.

Resolution 1: Find the True Root of All Issues

Your ability to pinpoint underlying causes of problems is critical as an Integrator. It’s your superpower. This year, make it a resolution to dive deeper into your issues list to find the root causes of your issues rather than just the symptoms.

Pro Tips:

  • Start every L10 meeting with a determination to be extra thorough. Prioritize recurring issues that seem to never get 100% solved.
  • While IDS-ing your issues, use the 5 Whys technique to peel back the layers:
    1. Identify an issue from your list.
    2. Ask why it’s happening and document the answer.
    3. Continue asking why for each response given until the absolute root cause is found.

Remember, your objective is to solve an issue once and never see it pop up again. Is this realistic? Maybe not, but focusing on discovering the root of issues is much more effective than constantly solving symptoms. 

Resolution 2: Run the Absolute Best Annual Planning Session This World Has Ever Seen!

Annual planning sessions can be tough but they’re absolutely critical for the success of your company. Consider these few steps to ensure this year’s session is the best you’ve ever run.  

Before the Session:

  • Preparation: Ensure that all data and necessary reports are ready. You should be intimately familiar with the numbers already but make sure they are presented in a way that everyone present can interpret the data easily. There’s no time to waste explaining what the numbers mean.
  • Set Clear Objectives: Annuals should begin with the end in mind. Ask what the expectations of the meeting are and make sure they are specific. 

During the Session:

  • Review Last Year: Take a candid look at the previous year’s objectives and outcomes. Discuss what worked, what didn’t, and the learned lessons.
  • Be fierce about avoiding tangents: Annual meetings are 1-2 days of intense planning and vigorous debate. You don’t have time for tangents. They will come up so squash them as soon as they show their face.
  • Have an issue? Say It!: No issue is safe in an Annual meeting. Bring EVERY challenge to the table, no matter how small. List them systematically and prioritize their resolutions based on their severity and impact on company objectives.


  • Action Items: Rocks, Goals, To-dos; a LOT of items result from an Annual session. Make sure assignments are crystal clear and that everyone knows who is accountable for what. Doing so will create momentum and your company will gain essential traction throughout the year.

Resolution 3: Delegate – Just do it already.

Delegate like your job depends on it… because it does!

Delegating enables you to free up time for yourself to focus on higher-level strategies that drive your business forward. It pulls you OUT of the business so you can work ON the business. 

Simple Delegations Steps:

  1. Start by evaluating tasks that you are currently handling
  2. Identify which of these could be handed off to someone else 

When you let go of the vine, you empower your team and remove yourself as a bottleneck. Removing yourself allows for a smoother flow of operations.

What’s next?

Ensure that there are clear metrics and deadlines in place because this is what drives accountability. 

Each delegated task should have:

  • Clear expectations
  • Deadlines
  • KPIs to measure success

Remember, the goal of delegation isn’t just to offload tasks, but to build a capable team that can grow your business even in your absence.

Resolution 4: Make Extra Effort to Better Align with Your Visionary

As an Integrator, it’s critical that you’re in sync with your Visionary. This synergy drives the company forward with clear strategy and purpose.

Schedule Consistent Same Page Meetings:

Dedicate time for regular one-on-one meetings with your Visionary. These are critical touchpoints to share insights, address concerns, and brainstorm strategically.

There’s no picture perfect way to have a same page meeting because every Integrator and Visionary are different. Three things are required though: 

  1. The frequency must be consistent
  2. An agenda must be set 
  3. There must be action items and followup. 

Without these three things, it’s just a scheduled hangout. Don’t be that V/I duo. Get on the same page and get sh*t done!

Resolution 5: Be Ok with New Things – Embrace the Change

Like it or not, embracing change is a pivotal aspect of leadership development. It’s critical to try new things if you’re going to drive innovation and progression within your company. Give these 2 things a go this year:

  • Be Open to Experimentation: Start the new year by adopting a mindset that views every opportunity as a potential learning experience.
  • Adopt a Growth Mindset: Understand that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s a part of it. Don’t be afraid to fail! Use setbacks as stepping stones to greater achievements.

Remember, you are the pace-setter for your team. Your willingness to embrace change and venture into uncharted territory can inspire others to follow suit. This year, view each challenge not as an obstacle but as an avenue to refine your strategy and further your leadership skills.

Wrap It Up

Like it or not, these are pretty good resolutions for every Integrator! But if you want to try them out, don’t just dip your toe in to test them out. Jump in with both feet, all the way. Decide to set the goal and then go for it, 100%!

Make changes. Set goals. Be Bold and make 2024 a pivotal year for your personal life and career!